Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time

March 3, 2023

Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time

Reckien, D., Buzasi, A., Olazabal, M., Spyridaki, N.-A., Eckersley, P., Simoes, S.G., Salvia, M., Pietrapertosa, F., Fokaides, P., Goonesekera, S.M., Tardieu, L., Balzan, M.V., de Boer, C.L., De Gregorio Hurtado, S., Feliu, E., Flamos, A., Foley, A., Geneletti, D., Grafakos, S., Heidrich, O., Ioannou, B., Krook-Riekkola, A., Matosovic, M., Orru, H., Orru, K., Paspaldzhiev, I., Rižnar, K., Smigaj, M., Szalmáné Csete, M., Viguié, V., Wejs, A., 2023. Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time. npj Urban Sustain 3, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42949-023-00085-1