
Coordinating Team

Diana Reckien, Germany Associate Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente

Diana Reckien, Germany

Associate Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente


Diana Reckien specializes at the interface of climate change governance and urban research with a focus on justice and equity. This includes the assessment of effectiveness and side-effects of climate change mitigation and adaptation policies as well as their interactions with social vulnerability, equity and justice, but also studying climate change migration, disaster preparedness, and other related topics. Diana is Coordinating Lead Author of the Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. She also co-led and co-leads parts of the Second and Third Assessment Report for Climate Change in Cities (ARC3.2). She serves on the Editorial Board of “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews”. Diana has previously worked at Climate Analytics Berlin (DE), the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University (USA), and at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (DE). During parts of that time she also worked as Social Development Specialist for the Asian Development Bank.

Monica Salvia, Italy Senior researcher, Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis – National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IMAA)

Monica Salvia, Italy

Senior researcher, Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis – National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IMAA)

Monica Salvia (M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Ph.D.) has a strong background in energy systems analysis and models development and a solid experience in supporting local authorities on sustainable strategies for resource efficiency, climate change mitigation, smart cities and communities. Monica has proven experience in the management and evaluation of S&T projects. Her scientific activities have originated numerous papers appearing in international Journals and Conferences.

Marta Olazabal, Spain Research Fellow, the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and Head of the Adaptation Research Group

Marta Olazabal, Spain

Research Fellow, the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and Head of the Adaptation Research Group

Marta has a background on Environmental Engineering (Bsc 2004, MSc 2009, School of Engineering of Bilbao) and a PhD on Land Economy (University of Cambridge, 2015). Her research focuses on urban sustainability and climate change governance, in transdisciplinar systems thinking and in approaches that bridge science and policy. She has undertaken international scientific stays in Germany (IÖR, Dresden – 2005), The Netherlands (IVAM, Amsterdam – 2006), United Kingdom (University of Newcastle – 2010, University of Southampton – 2018), Canada (McGill University – 2016) and Portugal (Universidade Nova, CENSE, May 2019). In 2011, she co-founded the Urban Resilience Research Network (URNet) which now groups more than 300 members. Applying both quantitative and qualitative methods, her current interests relate to urban climate governance, climate adaptation monitoring and evaluation, knowledge co-production and methods to assess urban resilience and sustainability.

Filomena Pietrapertosa, Italy Senior researcher, Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis – National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IMAA)

Filomena Pietrapertosa, Italy

Senior researcher, Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis – National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IMAA)

Filomena (M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Ph.D.) has a background in energy systems analysis and models development with the MARKAL/TIMES model generators, a proven experience in supporting local authorities in the decision making process as well as in stakeholder awareness-raising strategies. Research activities are mainly focused on energy-environment nexus, climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies at urban scale, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures.

Full Team

Niki Artemis Spyridaki, Greece Senior Energy Policy Expert, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Niki Artemis Spyridaki, Greece

Senior Energy Policy Expert, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Mario V Balzan, Malta Senior Lecturer Applied Ecology, The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology

Mario V Balzan, Malta

Senior Lecturer Applied Ecology, The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology


Nataša Belšak Šel, Slovenia Researcher and Project Manager, SCR Bistra Ptuj

Nataša Belšak Šel, Slovenia

Researcher and Project Manager, SCR Bistra Ptuj


Viera Baštáková, Slovakia Environmental specialist and co-founder of 3E

Viera Baštáková, Slovakia

Environmental specialist and co-founder of 3E

Dr. Viera Baštáková is an environmental specialist and co-founder of 3E – Institute for Environmental Research and Education. Her research emphasizes topics in climate-smart actions and circular economy transition. She is particularly interested in building a resilient, inclusive, healthy and green urban environment. Viera graduated from the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia and obtained her PhD. at Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia. During her studies, she did internships at the University of Granada, Spain, and University of Copenhagen, Denmark; she worked at Slovak Academy of Sciences and was also involved in several volunteering activities focused on increasing of public awareness about environmental challenges.


Attila Buzási (Ph.D.), Hungary Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability, Budapest University

Attila Buzási (Ph.D.), Hungary

Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary


He conducts researches regarding urban sustainability, climate adaptation, vulnerability assessment, and related concepts. Besides the urban-related topics, he conducted researches regarding various other sectors in terms of climate adaptation issues. Attila Buzási has numerous publications that have been released by international journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science. His research activity had expanded to the theoretical and practical background of urban sustainability and resilience concepts since 2017, when he obtained his Ph.D. degree.

Jon Marco Church, France Associate Professor and Consultant, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne

Jon Marco Church, France

Associate Professor and Consultant, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne

Cheryl de Boer, The Netherlands Senior Energy Policy Expert, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Cheryl de Boer, The Netherlands

Assistant Professor, University of Twente



Sonia de Gregorio Hurtado, Spain Associate Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Sonia de Gregorio Hurtado, Spain

Associate Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Peter Eckersley, Germany/ United Kingdom Senior Research Fellow, Nottingham Trent University & Research Associate, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space

Peter Eckersley, Germany/ United Kingdom

Senior Research Fellow, Nottingham Trent University in the UK & Research Associate, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space


Efren Feliu Torres, Spain Climate Change Manager, Energy & Environment Division (Urban & Territorial Sustainability Area), TECNALIA Research & Innovation

Efren Feliu Torres, Spain

Climate Change Manager, Energy & Environment Division (Urban & Territorial Sustainability Area), TECNALIA Research & Innovation


Alexandros Flamos, Greece Full Professor, University of Piraeus (UNIPI)

Alexandros Flamos, Greece

Full Professor, University of Piraeus (UNIPI)


Dr. Alexandros Flamos is Full Professor at the University of Piraeus (UNIPI) and director of the Technoeconomics of Energy Systems Laboratory of UNIPI. He has a Degree on Electrical and Computer Engineering and a PhD in Decision Support Systems (DSS) applied in energy and environmental economics, planning & policy. He has held the position of scientific coordinator/ senior researcher in more than 40 European Commission (EC) and other internationally funded projects (H2020, DG RELEX, EACI, DG R&D, DG Energy, SFOE, European Investment Bank, EuropeAid etc.) in DSS, Energy Management & Planning and their applications for analyzing energy and environmental policy, security of energy supply, energy pricing competitiveness and the valuation of business models.

Paris A. Fokaides, Cyprus Assistant Professor at Frederick University, Cyprus

Paris A. Fokaides, Cyprus

Assistant Professor at Frederick University, Cyprus


Dr.-Ing. Paris A. Fokaides, is an Assistant Professor at Frederick University, Cyprus. Paris is actively involved in numerous research initiatives related to the decarbonization of the economy through the use of sustainable energy resources, as well as for the promotion of best practices for enhancing the sustainability of the built environment. His research focuses on the digitalization of the practices used for the energy and sustainability assessment of the built environment, both in building unit as well as in building complex scale. He has published numerous studies in the field of sustainable energy and sustainable built environment.

Paris is the academic supervisor of the Sustainable Energy Research Group (SERG) at Frederick University, a group consisting of 10 FTE researchers. Since 2012, SERG implemented over 25 European and national funded research projects in the field of sustainable built environment. He has acted as consultant for the republic of Cyprus in the fields of Energy and Environment in numerous contracts related to the implementation of the European Acquis in Cyprus, as well as an expert for the European Commission (DG Research) for the evaluation of research projects in energy and sustainability related fields.

Aoife Foley, United Kingdom Reader, Queen’s University Belfast & Editor in Chief at Elsevier & Member of Board of Directors, Sustainable NI

Aoife Foley, United Kingdom

Reader, Queen’s University Belfast & Editor in Chief at Elsevier & Member of Board of Directors, Sustainable NI


Johannes Flacke, the Netherlands Assistant Professor Spatial Planning and Decision Support Systems, University of Enschede

Johannes Flacke, the Netherlands

Assistant Professor Spatial Planning and Decision Support Systems, University of Enschede


Davide Geneletti, Italy Associate Professor, University of Trento

Davide Geneletti, Italy

Associate Professor, University of Trento


Oliver Heidrich, United Kingdom Senior Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Newcastle University

Oliver Heidrich, United Kingdom

Senior Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Newcastle University


Stelios Grafakos, Hungary Principal Economist, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

Stelios Grafakos, Hungary

Principal Economist, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

Stelios Grafakos is, in its current role, responsible for GGGI’s work on (macro)economic aspects of green growth, including the assessment of employment impacts of countries’ green growth strategies and low-carbon development plans. In addition, he is leading GGGI’s work on supporting governments to develop their Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) and enhance their National Determined Contributions (NDCs), with special focus on the economic analysis of climate actions, policies and decarbonization and climate resilient pathways. His research interest and experience lie towards the following fields: Environmental and Climate change Policy Analysis, Environmental and Climate Economics, Green employment, Climate change and Cities, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Planning, Long Term – Low Emission Development Strategies, NDC enhancement, Sustainability Evaluation, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Cost-effectiveness Analysis, Marginal Abatement (and adaptation) Cost Analysis, Input-Output analysis, Macroeconomic modelling, Decision Support Systems in Environmental and Climate Change field.


Byron Ioannou (Ph.D.), Cyprus Associate professor at Frederick University – Cyprus

Byron Ioannou (Ph.D.), Cyprus

Associate professor at Frederick University

Byron Ioannou (Ph.D.) is an associate professor at Frederick University – Cyprus. He has also taught urban design, planning, and sustainable built environment in a number of universities of the Mediterranean region. He studied Architecture and Urban & Regional Planning at the National Technical University of Athens, he also holds a degree in Planning Law from Leeds Beckett University. He is an accredited expert on the built environment by several EU bodies, with a diverse portfolio of planning projects of different scales. His current research focuses on climate-sensitive planning, urban density, and sprawl, planning law, housing, social aspects of space, and inclusive spatial development.

Anna Krook-Riekkola, Sweden Associate Professor, Luleå University of Technology

Anna Krook-Riekkola, Sweden

Associate Professor, Luleå University of Technology


Eliška Krkoška Lorencová (Ph.D.), Czech Republic Senior Energy Policy Expert, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Eliška Krkoška Lorencová (Ph.D.), Czech Republic

Researcher, CzechGlobe, Global Change Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic



Marko Matosovic, Croatia Manager, PwC SEE Consulting

Marko Matosovic, Croatia

Manager, PwC SEE Consulting


Kati Orru, Estonia Researcher Sociology of Risk and Environment, University of Tartu

Kati Orru, Estonia

Researcher Sociology of Risk and Environment, University of Tartu


Hans Orru, Estonia Researcher, University of Tartu

Hans Orru, Estonia

Researcher, University of Tartu

Ivan Paspaldzhiev, Bulgaria Senior Energy Policy Expert, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Ivan Paspaldzhiev, Bulgaria

Natural & Social Capital Lead, denkstatt Bulgaria

Klavdija Rižnar (Ph.D.), Slovenia Researcher, Scientific research Centre Bistra Ptuj

Klavdija Rižnar (Ph.D.), Slovenia

Researcher, Scientific research Centre Bistra Ptuj

Sofia Simoes, Portugal Senior Researcher & Head of Resource Economics Unit, National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG)

Sofia Simoes, Portugal

Senior Researcher & Head of Resource Economics Unit, National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG)

Magdalena Smigaj, The Netherlands Postdoctoral Researcher, Wageningen University & Research

Magdalena Smigaj, The Netherlands

Postdoctoral Researcher, Wageningen University & Research

Eva Streberova, Slovakia Environment Specialist, Metropolitný inštitút Bratislava

Eva Streberova, Slovakia

Environment Specialist, Metropolitný inštitút Bratislava



Mária Szalmáné Csete, Hungary Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for International Affairs at the BME Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (BME)

Mária Szalmáné Csete, Hungary

Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for International Affairs at the BME Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (BME)


Dr. habil Mária SZALMÁNÉ CSETE is a habilitated Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for International Affairs at the BME Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Environmental Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). She holds an MSc degree in Engineering and Management (BME, 2004); MSc in Spatial and settlement development (BME, 2007); Master 3 degree in Regional- and urban development (Sorbonne-Paris IV, 2007); and obtained PhD in business and management in 2009 from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). Her fields of interest include environmental economics, sustainable regional and urban development perspectives, climate innovation, digitalization, sustainability management, mitigation and adaptation-oriented evaluations.

Maria participated or led several national and EU-funded research projects (Horizon 2020, Climate-KIC, FP7, ESPON, Interreg, Grundtvig, NKTH etc.). She also earned multiple recognition for her work, including the Faculty Research Award of BME GTK (2018, 2012), the UNKP Young Researcher Scholarship (2017-2018), the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) (2012-2015, 2020-2023) and the Ferenc Deák Scholarship (2008-2009). She is Board Member of the Hungarian IPCC Committee and a Member of the International Research Society for Sustainable Development (since 2011). She was the Secretary of the HAS Presidential Committee of Environmental Sciences and the Future Earth Subcommittee (2014-2020), and is a founding member of the HAS Regional Sciences Committee, Sustainable Regional Development Subcommittee.

Léa Tardieu (Ph.D), France Researcher Environmental Economy, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)

Léa Tardieu (Ph.D), France

Researcher Environmental Economy, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)

Sergiu Vasilie, Romania IT & Management Compliance Service Leader, denkstatt România

Sergiu Vasilie, Romania

IT & Management Compliance Service Leader, denkstatt România



Vincent Viguié (Ph.D.), France Climate Change Economist, Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Developpement (CIRED)

Vincent Viguié (Ph.D.), France

Climate Change Economist, Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Developpement (CIRED)


Vincent Viguié (Ph.D.) is a researcher in climate change economics at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, in the Centre International de recherche sur l’environnement et le développement, (CIRED). His research and writing explore environmental urban policies, and especially adaptation strategies to reduce our vulnerability to climate change impacts in cities. He has a strong interest in prospective modelling, and in understanding how various environmental concerns interact with each other, and with social issues. Vincent teaches courses on climate change and adaptation policies in Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Sciences Po Paris, regularly give lectures in Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie and Agroparistech, and like to communicate about climate policies.

Anja Wejs, Denmark Special consultant, Region Midtjylland

Anja Wejs, Denmark

Special consultant, Region Midtjylland


Anja Wejs specializes in climate change planning and has a cross sectoral profile going across several planning areas: Municipal spatial planning, climate change planning, urban planning, environmental planning, rain and storm-water planning and strategic environmental assessment. In addition, she has technical experience in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) e.g. blue spot analyses of potential risk areas of flooding. With a background in research, Anja has done in depth analyses of climate change planning processes as well as the role of citizens in climate change adaptation. Furthermore, she has international experience from research collaborations and stays abroad.